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香港電影 《狂舞派》正版線上觀看
Hong Kong Movie: The Way We Dance. Watch Online.
成長於祖傳荳品店的花(顏卓靈 飾),從小熱愛跳舞,是Hip-hop天才少女,但被家人注重學業的傳統思想下埋沒了舞蹈發展的理想。按家人意願考入讀大學後,花終擺脫了陳舊思想,憑著出色舞技加入大學跳舞學會,成為舞隊「BombA」的超新星,更獲萬人迷會長Dave(楊樂文 飾)垂青。「BombA」是大學學界很受歡迎的舞隊,可是欲屢屢在跳舞比賽「舞林大會」中輪給勁敵「Rooftoppers」。 在苦練創出新舞招作對付宿敵「Rooftoppers」之際,花卻遭隊友,曾於中學舞蹈表演中在眾人面前被花奚落的 Rebecca(范穎兒 飾)報復。 Rebecca不惜橫刀奪愛和挑撥離間,嘲笑花的舞技,令愛情理想雙失的花憤然離隊退出「BombA」。 一天,太極學會會長柒良(蔡瀚億 飾)無意中看中花的心靈手巧,拉攏她加入太極學會。花原以為太極與良一樣陳舊老套,直至發現良不為人知的過去,知道曾經進入懲教所的阿良被太極改變並感化別人,洗心革面後,花對太極與良完全改觀,二人日久生情擦出愛火花...。
Fa (Cherry Ngan) works in her family's tofu store but dreams day and night of being a professional dancer. Signing up for the college dance crew BombA once she got admitted into university, Fa turns into the school's new emerging hip-hop star overnight and quickly hits it off with crew captain Dave (Lokman). After being introduced to Tai Chi by Leung (Babyjohn), Fa looks to incorporate the traditional martial arts into her dance but is devastated by leg injuries. Going head-to-head against BombA's strong rival Rooftoppers, Fa finds it hard to believe what Stormy (Tommy "Guns" Ly), Rooftoppers' leader, has in store for her, and the lengths to which Stormy goes in the name of dance.