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Fresh Off Markham


Kurt Yuen, Cyrus Lo, Trevor Choi

Kurt Yuen was born and raised in Hong Kong. He is a graduate of the Hong Kong Film Director’s Guild (HKFDG) Masterclass and has been involved with numerous productions with the Hong Kong Television Networks (RTHK) and video production companies.
Cyrus Lo is a Chinese Canadian immigrant. His debut short, Aftershock, was an official selection at Vancouver Asian Film Festival. He strives to tell meaningful stories through the film medium.
Trevor is a graduate of the Hong Kong Film Director’s Guild Masterclass and has written and directed short film Ouroboros (2018), which screened at the 42nd Asian American International Film Festival. He is now working on post-production of Smashing Frank (2024), his solo debut feature length film.


​導演介紹 及 創作理念

蔡康凝於2018 年回港就讀香港電影導演會舉辦的導演班。短片作品《咬尾自噬》亦入圍多個電影節競賽單元,包括第 42 屆紐約亞美國際電影節。他現正為首部個人執導電影《搗破法蘭克》進行後期工作。


Fresh Off Markham

Cast & Crew


Edmond Clark as 5.O'Shea Johnson

愛德蒙基勒 飾 O'Shea

Jessia Chan as Circle Tam

陳苡臻 飾 譚圓圓

Nian Chang as Shan

常 念 飾 趙山

Howard Li as Kevin

李 赫 飾 小岳

Sandy Lynch as Immigration consultant

Darius Zee as Prostitute

鍾雪瑩 吳冰.jpeg

Fresh Off Markham Crews


    Producers: Trevor Choi, Z.Y. Mo, Earnest Li, Terrence Choi

    Director & Writers: Kurt Yuen, Cyrus Lo, Trevor Choi

    Cinematography: Michael Hitoshi Maddeau

    Production Designer: Shuting Ye

    Original Music: Jack Tse

    監製: 蔡康凝,莫紫韻,李志堅,蔡浩泉

    導演 編劇: 阮浚德,羅懷恩,蔡康凝

    攝影指導: 米高馬度

    美術指導: 葉書婷

    原創音樂: 謝子謙


萬錦市一名勤奮的黑人Uber 駕駛員O'Shea 擁有完美的 5 星評分,每天為生活打拼。古乳有暈,天將降大禍於斯人,都先勞其體膚、再苦其心智。那天風和日麗,他在等待下一位乘客 - 香港富二代 Circle 時,兩名來自中國、打劫日本餐廳失敗的劫匪9衝上了他的車。百感交雜、萬辭莫辯的他,迎來了一段充滿文化衝擊的瘋狂旅程。


O'Shea, a diligent Uber driver in Markham, takes pride in his flawless 5.0-star rating as he hustles to make ends meet. One day, while waiting for his next passenger — a wealthy Hong Kong socialite named Circle — his ordinary shift takes an extraordinary turn. Two chaotic robbers from China, fresh off a heist at a Japanese restaurant, barge into his car. What follows is a wild, culturally charged ride that’s equal parts comedic and heartfelt, as O'Shea navigates the clash of personalities and unexpected twists in this unpredictable journey.

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