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第六屆 北美台灣電影巡迴放映展 x 多倫多台灣影展(TFFT) x 多炫亞洲電影節(PAFF) 主辦 登高世界基金會 合辦 Starlux 星宇航空, CHIME 全力支持 《海角7號》導演魏德聖最新作品《BIG》 2024年4月4日 兒童節 | 只映一場

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Time & Location

Apr 04, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

SilverCity Richmond Hill Cinema, 8725 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 6Z1, Canada

About the Event

預告片 Trailer:

片長:159 分鐘 

Runtime: 159 min


Taiwanese Mandarin with Traditional Chinese and English Subtitle

BIG以兒童癌症為主題,集結了來自不同社會階層、不同面向的6組家庭的溫情故事。病房的小孩身上都劃上了勇士的印記,這是跟病魔纏鬥的徽章。這裡有耶穌 V.S. 地藏王、有輪椅尬車大會,有小孩說要喇舌一起睡!?還有老是吵架鬥嘴,到了緊要關頭卻又互相扶持的家長們。 在苦樂共享的816病房,把握每個當下,珍惜好好說再見的機會。

With the theme of children with cancer, BIG brings together the heartfelt stories of six groups of families from different social classes and perspectives. The children in the ward are all with the mark of a warrior, which is a badge of fighting against the disease. There is Jesus V.S. Ksitigarbha, there is a wheelchair rally, and there are children who want to sleep together! There are also parents who always quarrel, but support each other at critical moments. In ward 816, where pain and joy are shared, they seize every moment and cherish the opportunity to say goodbye.

支持機構 (排名不分先後):

公關及媒體夥伴 LRDG


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    Best seat guaranteed, and a special movie gift pack. 保證最佳座位,及特別限定電影禮品包。

    Tax: +CA$5.20 HST
    Sold Out
  • Standard Admission

    Tax: +CA$2.99 HST
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  • Standard (Wheel Chair Space)

    Standard (Wheel Chair Space, no seat) 輪椅停泊位,沒有座位的

    Tax: +CA$2.99 HST
    Sale ended
  • Companion Seat

    Companion Seat for wheelchair's companion. 輪椅陪伴者座。設有座位。輪椅陪伴者優先購買。

    Tax: +CA$2.99 HST
    Sale ended

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